Poor advice or negligence by an Insurance Broker?

  • No Win, No Fee
  • 17 years of experience
  • 95% success rate
  • Over £150 million recovered
  • 1000’s of successful clients

Is This You?

  • Have you had an insurance claim refused on a policy that was arranged through a broker?
  • Have you had an insurance claim underpaid because you were not covered to the extent you were led to believe by a broker?
  • Have you suffered a financial loss because your insurance policy was set up incorrectly by a broker or started later than you intended?
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for achieving a good settlement. Your attention to detail and regular phone calls to keep us informed of all developments was of great help and was really appreciated. Mr & Mrs Goddard

Who Are We?

We are an award-winning team of solicitors who specialise in professional negligence and financial mis-selling claims. We use our many years of experience and knowledge in this area to obtain and scrutinize relevant documents from financial advisers, stockbrokers, CFD providers and other associated entities.  Using our specialist knowledge of the law of contract and negligence we identify any grounds for action. We submit written complaints, detailing every allegation and are successful in most of our cases.

How Much Am I Entitled To?

If you can successfully show that you suffered financial loss due to the negligent advice or actions of an insurance broker, you can seek to recover an amount that is equivalent to these losses. The amount awarded should put you in the position that you would have been in had no wrong been done. The extent of a potential claim is illustrated by the following hypothetical examples;


Mrs G arranged a travel insurance policy through a broker before going on an overseas holiday. She informed the broker that she is required to take medication for a heart condition. Mrs G was taken ill whilst on holiday and required hospital treatment. Her insurance policy stated that cover would not apply to anyone with a pre-existing heart condition and cover was refused. Mrs G was not made aware of this exclusion by her broker before she travelled and had to personally fund medical fees of £20,000 which a different policy would have covered.

Mr F arranged a business contents insurance policy through a broker. He informed the broker that he employs a security guard who finishes work at 10pm. However, it was a condition of the policy purchased that the business premises are guarded overnight. Mr F was not informed of this before the policy commenced. There was a theft from the premises at 2am and Mr F’s insurers refused to cover him for his losses as the premises were not guarded at the time. As a result, Mr F lost goods and property worth £12,500which could have been covered by an alternative policy.

Mr H arranged car insurance through a broker. He informed them that his existing policy was due to expire on 1st August. He was involved in an accident on 2nd August, but his new insurance policy had been set up to commence on 4th August. He was therefore uninsured at the time of the accident and unable to claim the cost for his vehicle that was damaged beyond repair in the accident. This had been valued at £8,000.

What Do We Charge?

We offer an absolute and guaranteed No Win, No Fee agreement, it’s that simple. If successful, we take a fee of up to 20% (plus 4% VAT) * Of the award of compensation. If unsuccessful, our clients pay us nothing.

* We reserve the right to apply a deduction in more complex or higher risk cases of up to 30% plus VAT. Typical examples might be where there are multiple parties to claim against, where time limits for claiming may have passed or new areas of law are tested.

About Claims For Insurance Broker Negligence

Almost everyone will arrange insurance cover at some point in their lives. A wide range of insurance polices are encountered in everyday life and can be either a mandatory legal requirement or be taken voluntarily by an individual or business to cover certain eventualities. Common examples of insurance include policies for;

  • Motor Vehicles
  • Homes and contents
  • Professional indemnity
  • Travel
  • Public Liability
  • Business contents
  • and many others

Whatever the reason for the insurance being taken, it is vital that the policy provides the level and type of cover expected of it.

While it is possible for an individual or business to deal directly with the insurer, the majority of insurance policies are now arranged through a broker. This is true whether the policy is arranged by telephone, online or by a face-face meeting. The contract of insurance is ordinarily held with a company different to the one that the insured initially dealt with.


It is vital that the policy provides the level and type of cover expected of it…


It is therefore the broker who should ensure that the proposed insurance policy fully meets the needs and requirements of the person taking it. They should fully explain any limitations or exclusions that apply under the terms of the policy and should also check to make sure the insurance policy covers the correct intended period of time and value.

The broker should furthermore make sure that the insurer is provided with full details of all relevant factors that could potentially affect the level or cost of the insurance cover. For example, when arranging motoring insurance the broker needs to make sure the insurance provider is told about any driving convictions or penalties that the insured has disclosed to them. Likewise, when travel insurance is being arranged, the broker needs to make sure any relevant pre existing medical conditions the insured tells them about are accounted for by the insurer.

If an insurance broker fails to properly advise on issues of this nature, or makes an error in setting the insurance policy up, it could mean that any insurance cover is later declared invalid or that the insured person is not covered for the full extent of their losses.

This could lead the person who arranged the insurance to lose thousands as a result. If the insurance policy covers events or other things that the insured did not intend it to cover, the cost of the policy may also be far greater than what it may have otherwise been.

If you have suffered financial losses due to the advice or actions of an insurance broker, then Neglect Assist may be able to assist you with a no win, no fee claim. Insurance brokers typically have indemnity insurance or other adequate funds to cover the cost of such claims.

If you believe, when arranging an insurance policy, the broker;

  • Failed to take into account all relevant factors or explain any limitations or exclusions to the policy cover
  • Arranged inappropriate cover
  • Made an error in the way the insurance policy was set up

or acted negligently in any other way and has caused you financial loss as a result, then please telephone for free, without obligation advice. Alternatively, please fill in the short enquiry form on the right and we’ll call you back.


What types of insurance policy do you deal with?

We can consider any form of insurance policy that was arranged through a broker. The majority of insurance policies are now arranged in this way. We can look at insurance policies arranged for both individuals and businesses where you believe there may have been potential negligence by the broker in arranging the insurance.

Can you help if I arranged my insurance policy online?

Yes. There may have still been broker involvement even if you arranged your insurance over the internet. You will have ordinarily filled in forms when arranging the insurance online. If you provided all relevant details but your insurance policy fails to meet your requirements, you may have grounds for bringing a No Win No Fee claim.

How can an insurance broker be negligent?

An insurance broker should ensure that your insurance policy is suitable for your needs and provides the level of cover that you require. If the broker fails to advise on exclusions or limitations to cover, or if they fail to take into account factors which can affect the cost or availability of cover, they may have acted in a negligent fashion and you may have grounds for bringing a no win claim to recover financial losses suffered.

How much am I entitled to?

If you can successfully show that you suffered financial loss due to the negligence of your insurance broker, you can seek to recover an amount that is equivalent to these losses. Insurance brokers typically have indemnity insurance or other adequate funds to cover the cost of such claims. The amount awarded should put you in the position that you would have been in had no wrong been done.

Neglect Assist can investigate and advise upon the level of loss suffered and may be able to represent you in a No Win No Fee claim.

What do we charge?

We offer an absolute and guaranteed No Win, No Fee agreement, it’s that simple. If successful, we take a fee of up to 20% (plus 4% VAT) * Of the award of compensation. If unsuccessful, our clients pay us nothing.

* We reserve the right to apply a deduction in more complex or higher risk cases of up to 30% plus VAT. Typical examples might be where there are multiple parties to claim against, where time limits for claiming may have passed or new areas of law are tested.

What if my claim has already been rejected?

We will still look at this for you. We have taken on claims that have been rejected by brokers and their insurers.

Will I have to fill out loads of paperwork?

No, we will be able to do most of the necessary paperwork for you and we can obtain any relevant documents from the insurance broker and from any other connected parties on your behalf. You will have to check the details of your claim before it is submitted, but we will assist you with this.

What do I do now?

There is absolutely no obligation to proceed and if you tell us what’s happened, we will briefly explain if we think you have a claim and the procedure for filing a claim and the time limits that apply.


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Mis-selling or mis-management by a SIPP Operator?

Have you suffered financial losses on a SIPP operated by a SIPP operator? If so, then you may have grounds for bringing a No Win No Fee claim.

Some SIPP operators have entered into dealings with third party advisers who are not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to give pension or investment advice. This is despite their regulatory body publishing alerts and giving warnings against such actions.

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Mis-sold or mis-managed investment or pension?

  • You were sold an investment without having been properly advised of the risks
  • Your personal circumstances or attitude to risk wasn’t properly considered
  • You were sold a SIPP or poor returning annuity
  • You were advised to invest all or most of your savings into a single investment
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We've got your questions covered

One of the UK’s leading specialists in financial mis-selling... The Times

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